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Fields & Flowers feat. What She Styled

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Photographer & Edits:

Christina M. (Me)




Model & Stylist:

Emma Cavanagh



I owe a lot to my friend Emma (aka: What She Styled). We have known each other since we were in elementary school, where we had a crush on the boy (she reminded me of this). We always seem to have kept in touch through various serendipitous outings over the years beyond high school and university.

I have always known Emma to have 1) Amazing Hair, 2) Amazing Fun and 3) Amazing Style (among so many other things, friends - she is a boss lady). She always looks so hip and put together whenever I see her, whether it be at the coffee shop, at the pub, or over Instagram. She always knows what's going on in and outside the city, and you will inevitably see her looking super CoolGirl at any big event. She is an Adventurer. Like when she moved across the Ocean and spent four months abroad living in Sweden and travelling Europe. She is an Independent. Like how she moved to Sweden alone, travelled on her own, and has built her blog to where it is today herself (ps - it's awesome - check it out). She is Persistent. Like how she is always finding ways for growth, personally and professionally, through courses, research and via her own risks and successes. Emma inspires me and, [I think] unknowingly at the time to her, is a main reason I gathered the courage to start my own blog and style Instagram (NB// for a fairly shy and self-critical person, this was a challenging thing to do).  

We decided we were long overdue for a collaboration photoshoot. We found this field in our Hometown, and everything about it was just so dreamy. Emma was an absolute natural to photograph, and I am obsessed with every image that came out of this. It was one of my most favourite shoots to date, and we are so excited to share these photos with you. 

So what can I say? Thanks, Emma. Thanks, What She Styled - I'm so looking forward to what we can create together again, 


Christina & Emma 

For outfit details, check out Emma's blog at

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